Hi Michael,
I have a friend who's a very skilled Rhino user & at my suggestion has recently been trying out MoI.
One of his various tests was to create a surface in Rhino & see how well it would look once in MoI.
This surface was created in Rhino by using a simple surface that was rebuilt to 30 x 30 Points.
Then by taking every 4th Point selected & lifting it directly up.
The resulting display in Rhino needs to have the surface rebuilt by changing the Render Mesh settings to Smooth & Slower.
He then wondered if this same surface would also have the same kind of display problems when it was opened in MoI?
Unfortunately it did & so he asked me "any idea why?...and how can you change the Render Mesh settings like he can in Rhino?"
So thought I'd be just best to post it to the Forum for you to take a look at.
regards Colin