Fillet - No Use 2 Distances Option :(

 From:  NightCabbage
Hi all

So for my model I need to make a fillet, but not a circular fillet...

Where the yellow line is, I want that moved back more - (fillet radius of 0.75, but I want a higher distance for the yellow line), if you know what I mean.

You can do what I want with the chamfer tool, but I'm not sure why you can't do it with the fillet tool? Maybe I'm being silly and have forgotten something simple :)

Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do?

Also, as a side note, is there any reason why that yellow line I have won't be automatically selected by the "select curve loop" command? The parent loop was selected like that fine, but the filleted line won't select with taht command :(

And while I'm at it :P
Is there a way to do a filler / chamfer where it will fillet/chamfer to 100% of what it can, and meet up (and join) with the limiting edge it's colliding with?

er... I should try to explain that...

So in that example, I want the fillet to meet in the middle, instead of having a gap (currently that's a fillet of 0.35, where about 0.39 is almost completely sealed).

So what I'd ideally like is a sinlge join curve in the middle, where the 2 fillet edges meet. Maybe a tick box to say "fillet / chamfer as much as possible"?

(same goes for creating a fillet or chamfer with 1 edge, where you want that to fillet /chamfer as much as it can)

Hope that makes sense!

