When you start MoI V3

 From:  Michael Gibson
3712.8 In reply to 3712.5 
Hi Will,

Being able to use HTML / CSS is really cool and lets you create some really gorgeous UIs I'd love to do similar with some of my personal apps, especially adding a bit of Flash here and there, but looking at the SDK, it was a learning curve I'm too lazy to fight through!

Actually the killer feature of doing the UI in HTML is just text handling - HTML layout engines have very sophisticated support for text handling, things like word wrapping long lines of text making the containing element larger and stuff along those lines.

It does tend to have a long learning curve to get up to speed using it for application UI though because it's not done very frequently so there isn't a whole lot of extra support materials (like examples, tutorials, etc...) for using it in that way.

- Michael