Automatic process

 From:  Sharif (SR13765)
3666.26 In reply to 3666.4 
Hi Michael;

I thought is better to ask the question here rather than creating new discussion. In the attached image file, on the left side I used the LineWeb script to create lines (vertical and Horizontal), the vertical lines are fine. The horizontal lines after I join them are polyline, Is there any way that I could convert these polyline to freeform curve which follows the surface curvature? or is it possible to add the function of "align to surface" in the script?.

On the Right side of image, I tried to use Array along the curve tool to see if I could get the result I was looking. In this method, the horizontal line are fine and they follow the surface curvature but the vertical lines not.

Well at least there is a solution know that to use LineWeb tool for vertical lines and Array tool for Horizontal curve line, unless there are other methods that I am not aware of it. It will be nice if you could do both of them in one command either Array or LineWeb.


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Size: 56 KB, Downloaded: 144 times, Dimensions: 1042x657px