Fillet brain freeze

 From:  Michael Gibson
3651.40 In reply to 3651.39 
Hi Danny, does one of those options in NX (Edge blend, Soft blend, etc...) make the fillet for this particular case work at something larger than radius = 2.5 ?

> then you have finer control also, but you do have to pay
> 100 times more than what MoI costs.

The other part that tends to go along with such things is a decrease in the "ease of use" department - it tends to take a longer learning curve and more dedication of time to learn how to use stuff like that.

Of course if it is central to your job to produce fillets on mechanical parts it can be worth both the money to purchase such tools and the time invested to learn how to work them.

It's not bad to have supplemental tools as well though, geometry comes in such infinite varieties that it's not really possible for there to be 1 single tool that covers every single possible geometric circumstance in the best possible way every single time.

- Michael