Fillet brain freeze

 From:  Michael Gibson
3651.29 In reply to 3651.27 
Hi Martin, here's another example examining the fillet surface you posted with zebra stripes in Rhino.

If you have a kind of loose density mesh like this for example:

Then it's not too apparent:

Now notice what happens if I up the density by many many times so that the analysis display uses little tiny polygons that hug the surface more closely. With a mesh like this:

The accuracy of the analysis display gets increased and you can see some of those details that were previously getting essentially "blurred out" by a rough mesh:

I don't know if you have any controls available to you in ViaCAD to turn the display mesh up to a really high density as shown above, or to display the outline edges of the display mesh that is currently being used. If you do have controls like that available then crank them up until you see that the generated mesh has very small polygons as in the second example above, and that should help you to see these small surface details. In that example I told Rhino to break down any polygon that was larger than 0.025 units in size.

Also if you're trying to notice bumps using Zebra (which as I mentioned is not really my favorite tool for that job) try to set the zebra stripes to be thinner if possible.

- Michael