Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.5 In reply to 3628.2 
Hi Nigel,

> When I have a point selected I would rather the coordinates
> display continue to display that point's position rather than
> the position of the cursor.

This might fit in better in the object properties panel in the upper-right area of the window, in the same area where an object's bounding size is currently displayed.

> Or if I have multiple objects selected the coordinates is the
> average position of the centres of all of those objects. I would
> then be able to type in a new position.

With many situations, that averaged point is just some arbitrary point out in the middle of space between several of the selected objects, not necessarily at any key spot or even touching any object. My question is - what do you gain by setting the exact numeric position of such an arbitrary point?

- Michael