Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Hi Michael,

I think you mentioned that it may be possible to add or remove isocurve control elements (or row of grid points) within a surface, basically allowing for more or less definition in that surface.

With that idea, I realized that it might be possible to move the position of the "seam" on a closed surface without disturbing the surface... or maybe I saw this somewhere.

It's not possible now, but would be useful for times when you needed to use Blend to close the open end of a closed surface, among other things.

Could this be a feature nestled within some other feature?

So, a way to re-adjust the position of the seam on a closed surface... possible?

Uh oh... I think I just asked for the '3D' version to moving the (start/end) seam point in a closed curve.

(back-burner, just an idea)
