Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.353 In reply to 3628.352 
Hi Danny, I can see some complications from trying to intertwine style assignment based on object type - for one it's possible for a single object to change from an arc to a line for example if you turn on control points and delete all interior control points leaving only the end ones. Would you then expect for that control point deletion to also automatically change the style of the curve object from the "arc" style to the "line" style? And then on top of that it would not change if you had directly assigned a specific style to it? That seems like quite a mess of potentially confusing behavior and special cases...

If it's pre-labeling you want, you can make any object that you are about to draw to go on the particular style that you want by setting the "active style" by right-clicking on the style color swatch in the scene browser. So for example if you want to create some arcs on one particular style, set that one as the active style and then when you draw your arcs that's where they will go... Basically you set up pre-labeling by setting the active style by that right click on a color swatch.

I guess it could also be possible for you to use a custom modified arc command that had some additional script code placed in it that would put arcs onto a specific hard coded style initially instead of the active style, would that help for the kind of thing you're asking about? That will probably get pretty unmaintainable quickly though if you would want a dozen modified basic commands like that because then it's difficult to merge together any other updates or changes in new releases down the road. In the future I'd like to make a sort of hook mechanism where it will be possible to have a separate piece of script that can be set to attach itself to a particular command to just process its output or some specific piece of it without it having to actually modify the command script itself, it should help for some more kinds of customization with better resilency to updates and changes in the main command itself.

- Michael