Hi Danny, it's more oriented in MoI that you might use the style colors for different kinds of structural grouping, not really as a type of diagnostic code like you're kind of describing. I don't really like to use colors in that type of a way (at least as a default) because like I described earlier I try to keep the colors available for you to use as your own labels and each color that is reserved for some kind of special meaning detracts some from the set that you can use for your own purposes without confusion.
Also if such a system is set in advance with some myriad of colors being displayed by default each having some special meaning, the special meaning for each one is totally lost on new users who just see a bunch of different colors with no idea what they all actually mean.
But in the future I do want to add some different kinds of view modes that you would be able to switch between, and each view mode will likely override the default display and then use colors for some specific diagnostic purpose at that time. Some different preset ones will probably be showing back faces and showing zebra stripes, and I guess a sort of "visually show object type" mode like you're describing could also fit into that kind of category. Those won't have anything to do with "styles" exactly since those view modes will override the regular display mechanism that by default shows objects in their style color.
But if you happen to like the way a particular diagnostic view mode functions it would probably be something that you'd be able to just leave on if you wanted your regular working display to work like that.
The idea for the view modes is that they'll also probably each be able to have their own lighting/shading settings that will override the default ones so that you'll be able to flip a view mode to easily see everything as gray matte or blue or red shiny/reflective and then back to standard mode by flipping just one view mode setting instead of having to manipulate a bunch of different settings and then reset them all.
- Michael