Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.339 In reply to 3628.338 
Hi Tree,

> Or is there a reason to hold out?

The main reason is just the amount of work required on my part - producing a 64-bit version would be a major undertaking, I would need to switch to a different compiler, update all libraries that MoI uses and deal with changes and incompatibilities from that, and then also manage more versions of MoI since I don't think I can drop the 32-bit version right now since there are still a lot of users on somewhat older 32-bit machines.

The amount of work involved is enough that it's unlikely to happen anytime too soon - if I were to dig into it, it would require a lot of time focused only on that which would displace quite a large number of other features.

- Michael