Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
3628.333 In reply to 3628.332 
> Lattice deformer (???)

Is that the same thing as "Cage Edit" in Rhino and the NURBS equivilant to Sketchy FreeForm Deformer in SketchUp?

See Here:

Man, I would love that tool!!!

Michael, I have a request that just occurred to me. :-/
Would it be possible to add the ability for Circular Array to have a two-point, 3D axis? (just like the Revolve tool lets you do)

Yes, there are three ways to work around this. 1) Rotate your object to a flat plane, go to a view and Circular Array... then rotate back. 2) Change your view-plane axis (that scares me a little still). 3) Use Rotate by axis... but you gotta know your angle.