Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  TpwUK
3628.324 In reply to 3628.321 
I love memtest86 - I run it on all my computers after i have built them up and they get left on that for at least 10 full cycles or even up to 24 hours. Admittedly this RAM has not been re-tested and it's now very nearly a year old. I hate trying to solve intermittent failures like this because you think you have it sorted right up to the point where it does it again.

I have been a staunch fan of AMD processors but their continuing failure to keep up with Intel is starting to sway my opinion, once the new Bulldozer II's are on the scene and have been tested i will bet in a better position to say what the new box will have inside it ? Now that I am favouring MoI over Rhino these days do you have to or intend to do any code tweaking to make MoI more responsive to AMD's single core based application problems (AMD's new processors suck on applications that do not use more than on core) or is this problem down to MicroSoft and AMD to sort out ?
