Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Lejan
3628.308 In reply to 3628.303 
Hi BurrMan,

that really is interesting! Thank you for that!

It seems this Rhino plug-in does a really good job in creating a NURBS model based on
polygon meshes.

By the named price of EUR 400 for this tool I am not going to ask you or Michael what the
'real ones' may cost.

But I like to try out the demo versions, yet before that I have to get use to Rhino first,
which I just recently installed in its free Beta version. At the moment I have even a hard
time to draw a circle with this program and by this I do not even care about where on the
screen this happens... ;) So first steps first.

A true need for this tool I do not have besides my plain interest. The thought so started
by the initial idea about 'minimal surfaces' within MoI and Michael's efforts to make me
understand why that would sort of 'bust the scope' by the complexity of its genuine nature
and that also a work around by polygon meshing would also run into its own complexity.

But it is always good to know what tools are available, so thanks again for this link!
