Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.307 In reply to 3628.289 
Hi Jan - re: golden ratio snap onto a line, I've cooked up something for that here:

script: /* Set golden ratio snap on a selected line */ var crvs = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getCurves(); var pp = moi.ui.getActivePointPicker(); if ( crvs.length == 1 && pp ) { var crv = crvs.item(0); var start = crv.getStartPt(); var end = crv.getEndPt(); var phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2; var factor = phi / (phi + 1); var v = moi.vectorMath.makeVector( start, end ); v.scale( factor ); var pt = moi.vectorMath.add( start, v ); pp.addSnapPoint( pt, 'Golden' ); v = moi.vectorMath.makeVector( end, start ); v.scale( factor ); pt = moi.vectorMath.add( end, v ); pp.addSnapPoint( pt, 'Golden' ); }

Copy that whole thing and paste it into the command part of a new shortcut key.

That will then make it possible to use a new golden ratio snap onto a selected line while you are inside of any drawing tool (like draw line, draw point, etc...).

To use it, before you start the draw tool you must first select the line that you want to use for the ratio and it should be the only selected curve object.

Then start up whichever drawing tool you want and when it is asking you for a point to place, then press the shortcut key that you assigned the script to and it should give you a snap like so:

I hope that's helpful for your work!

- Michael