Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Lejan
3628.293 In reply to 3628.291 
Hi Michael,

ok, here it comes:

I installed Sketchup, the Soap Skin & Bubble plug-in, killed myself while trying to draw some simple curves in Sketchup, and did a sweep in MoI instead,

MoI: Set of curves

exported formats in between several programs to finally end up with a frame for the plug-in to do it's magic ... and it did!

Sketchup + Soap Skin & Bubble plug-in : The mesh and its formation towards a minimal surface was done automatically by the plugin

The resulting surface was then again exported several times to get a final render of it:

KeyShot: Quick render

The plug-in itself seems to work with quadrangles, at least visually. The triangulation seen in the render happened - also visually - after exporting the file.

But as I said I have no clue at all about the secrets of NURBS programming and therefore belief blind in what you say.

Maybe I can find a way to somehow re-model the surface back to MoI to go further from there.
