Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.287 In reply to 3628.286 
Hi Jan,

> I just wan't to point out that I do not expect any of my ideas to
> be implemented - even though I like to defend them ;)

They may not get implemented as a _default_ setup, but I can certainly see them being implemented as a plug-in that you could set up on your particular installation of MoI to help you get some of your particular needed tasks to get done.

Hopefully the Golden rectangle snap that you've already just set up has been a step towards that already?

Would a golden-ratio snap on a line still be useful as a separate thing from the golden rectangle, or does that new golden rectangle snap handle what you need already?

> I bring this up because I use to work with some of those 'creative people'
> and at least those would have stopped digging into any more detail if there
> wasn't a simple colored button to push... ;)

Ok, but it's not like MoI is a program where you just push a big button and it reads your mind and pops out a finished model automatically - just doing the core function of the program of constructing 3D models is difficult enough as it (I mean I've tried to make things simplified when possible, but still there's definitely learning involved) is that if setting up a keyboard shortcut is going to be totally beyond someone's ability to learn how is it that they're going to stick with things long enough to do the stuff that's more complicated than that?

However having said all that I do definitely want to overhaul the plug-in and shortcuts system to make them more streamlined. They just have not got a whole lot of attention so far because they tend to be things you set up just once or very infrequently and not really things you need to mess with on a daily basis, so they just have not been a big target quite yet.

- Michael