Hi Michael,
thank you for your explanation about your difficulties to get MoI balanced out for all of its users
and the final release speaks for itself that you are doing a very good job with it.
I just wan't to point out that I do not expect any of my ideas to be implemented - even though
I like to defend them ;) - partly because of the reasons you described and also because it is always
easy to just name ideas if you are not the one to get them finally to work... ;)
Yet this shall not keep anyone to name any ideas they have as some of them may inspire you and
end up in realisation for the beneficial use of many of MoI's users.
> ... but I can't quite understand why these pretty simple steps would be so harsh and unwelcome
> like you're kind of describing them? The whole process of just doing 3D modeling is many times
> more difficult than this part...
In this you are right from your point of view as you are even capable of writing the whole program
yourself! :)
I bring this up because I use to work with some of those 'creative people' and at least those
would have stopped digging into any more detail if there wasn't a simple colored button to push... ;)
I see your point in keeping the program simple and agree with you and just wanted to give some
input out of my experience.
So next time I'll bring something up here I'll try be less destructive while defending it... ;)