Hi Jan,
> To finally get there I had to figure out first how to get a shortcut running in MoI,
> which took some time, and may not be welcomed by
> other users which are less involved or interested in this sort of things... ;)
This part is actually quite simple, no advanced math required! :)
Just go to Options > Shortcut keys, and on the very top of the screen there is a big "Add" button - push that to add in a new shortcut key entry at the top of the list.
For the key just type in whatever key you want to trigger it, like G might work well for "golden section".
Then for the command part you just copy and paste in the script I posted above.
That's it - just "Add" and then type in G and then a paste, not really all that difficult!
In the future I do want to actually streamline the process of installing new scripts somewhat more, but I can't quite understand why these pretty simple steps would be so harsh and unwelcome like you're kind of describing them?
The whole process of just doing 3D modeling is many times more difficult than this part...
- Michael