Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.273 In reply to 3628.263 
Hi Jan - re: Golden ratio snap - that's definitely an interesting idea. The problem I see in your example image is that there is a kind of implicit orientation used in your snap there:

The orientation meaning that you've decided that the left-hand side of the line is the "start" and the right-hand side is the "end", and that the golden ratio spot should be placed just on the side towards the end I guess?

This kind of orientation dependency is somewhat problematic because I'm not sure what to do with lines at any arbitrary rotation for example - other snaps on to curves do not have that kind of orientation dependency on them so that could be a problem.

Another issue is that it's not necessarily good to have too many snaps that are automatically on all the time because snaps tend to prevent the free placement of points in a nearby zone to the snap. So this might be something that I would think more of targeting as a plug-in tool that you could activate with a specific shortcut key rather than being an additional totally built in snap.

Anyway, those are a couple of issues involved...

- Michael