Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.249 In reply to 3628.248 
Hi Felix,

> A mechanism to distinguish type of "copies" of a group, say
> a "cloned group" would be an exact duplicate of the original
> this would allow the possiblility of editing individual part of
> a group and update all "cloned group" automatically.

This is something that's called "instances" and it's usually a separate mechanism from a "group".

I do want to have instances eventually as well, but I think that it will be a different mechanism than groups - what I'll be trying to do with groups will be more of how they are typically done in other software, just sort of a way to cluster objects together as another organization method, not as a way to maintain a master definition and instance clones.

I do expect to be able to have nested groups though, and if you have a group within a group it will show up as a hierarchy that you can expand in the scene browser, so you could hide the whole group if you wanted, or you could expand the group and go in and only hide some sub-groups of it or whatever. So it will be a way to use it to make a hierarchical organization to your objects with parent/child containers instead of just a flat list of names like object names does now. Then the other part is there will be an option for if you want the group to select as one unit when you click on it.

Maintaining instances and updating them when a base definition changes is a whole different thing than that though. I do want to have that as well at some point but I do not expect to have instances done at the same time as groups, they are different things to work on.

- Michael