Hi Mike, yup that is certainly possible to have anti-aliasing on surfaces only, unless you have a lower memory (like less than 256MB say) video card.
That's something that I haven't focused on very much yet because under normal operation you've got the edges being drawn on top of most of those areas which obscures that stuff. Also there is a speed hit involved with doing the surface antialiasing, although this is minimal on modern cards.
But anyway since there are some potential performance consequences of turning it on, it's not something that I can just blindly switch on - it needs some testing with a variety of machines to make sure that it does not get turned on for the more basic and low memory video card situations and cripple those basic cards. Maybe it's something that you'll have to switch on yourself manually in options rather than on by default.
Anyway, it's mostly because under regular operation the edges cover up many of those areas that it has just not been a priority so far at all.
- Michael