Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)

I love that the lines and curves in MoI are anti-aliased. They give a smooth appearance and really do justice to the smooth nature of Bezier type splines.

As a plus, even the corners are perceptively pointy and purely triangular.

However, I noticed that the edges of surfaces and edges (especially with the curves and edges turned off from view) are not anti-aliased. Just left jagged.

I can gather that providing this treatment to the video card rendering would slow it down severely, IF the model was in motion.

But could there be a way to provide this feature when not changing the view-port. Or in other words, a second after movement has stopped,

an anti-aliased version could be updated. On top of that, this complete anti-aliasing of all edges, surfaces and curves could be done only during idle time,

during the instant that there are no calculations, or mouse movement. Being an optional flag in the setup dialog of course.

Moving the view functions, such as panning, dolly and so forth would be done without anti-aliasing as in the past.

But as soon as you stop and look at your work: Man, would it look just that much better.

Maybe this is card dependent or not even possible?... It's just a nifty thought for suggestion.

Thanks, Mike
