Thank you. You answered a lot of questions. I was sure I could use MoI, it just was starting to look like I need to use other things too.
Voxel manufacturing... that makes sense. Less than millimeter accuracy probably isn't a sculpting priority. I don't suppose perfect geometry is either. conversion to STL... cool, thank you.
Student license... thank you so much on that... it's as nice as rhino's student license. You programmed Rhino too, I thought.
So now I have a question. What is houdini doing(or how?) when I take a sphere, sub-divide it 3 or 4 or 5 times and then just carve right into it. I mean really, it's like a piece of wood or something. Is this sculpting? I really haven't seen any other non-voxel program do anything like this kind of thing without any slow down like houdini does... so it seems rather magical to me. Is houdini converting it to something else to play with it, or what?