Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.114 In reply to 3628.112 
Hi Steve,

> I guess our only way to affect a mesh/nurbs object
> globally then is to use a deformer (bend, etc)?

Yeah, and that actually involves some fairly fancy stuff like automatically rebuilding surfaces to have as many control points in them to flex to the amount of bending that is happening. But there has been some support for that kind of thing in the new release of the geometry library that MoI uses, so there is a pretty good chance at being able to get something going for that kind of deformation. I'll know more about this kind of deformation when I get a chance to dig into it in v3.

> When I mentioned falloffs I was thinking of the
> control points on a sphere , where you have multiple
> points and applying a fall off to that would help produce
> certain shapes.

Yeah, it would actually work in this case - when you have a simple sphere that has not been booleaned with anything, then it is an "untrimmed surface" - one where the trim curves are only around the natural boundary of the surface.

Those can be handled by pulling control points around like you would with a polygon mesh. But the problem is that once you boolean it with something else then the resulting booleaned object is made up of various trimmed surfaces and you can't easily pull any of those control points around anymore without tearing open holes between the different trimmed pieces.

So because it's kind of limited to certain special cases, this area of surface control point manipulation is kind of underdeveloped in MoI right now, I wanted to focus more effort initially in areas where NURBS have their greatest advantages compared to poly modeling, like boolean operations.

> I do have question/feature request if its possible.... Would
> it be possible to increase the control points on an object
> (such as a plane) or a cube, etc.

Yes, this will be possible - I do expect to flush out some of the surface control point functions in MoI as time goes on and this would be part of that.

- Michael