Fillet problems when modeling with lofts, sweeps and networks

 From:  Michael Gibson
3604.2 In reply to 3604.1 
Hi sven, do you have an example model that you could post?

That would help a lot to see what you might be running into.

One thing that the filleter does not like very much is if you have 2 surfaces meet in such a way that they are nearly smooth to one another already - it's better for filleting to have things that meet at a more distinct corner.

If you're trying to make your things shaped smoothly to one another with your curve framework, but then trying to apply a fillet on the same area that is already close to being smooth that creates some difficulty.

Filleting is in general a pretty sensitive function and there are a lot of things that can cause it to fail, things like self-intersections or areas where a surface folds back over top of itself can cause problems, etc... It's hard to guess at what particular thing you may be running into without seeing an example.

- Michael