Hi Burr,
By the sounds of things, what your wanting to do is not dissimilar to what I'm doing with jewellery models.
I bought 3D-Coat for the same reasons as you describe, but I'm still learning what's the best workflow with it.
Typically I've been exporting from MoI as an OBJ file & then importing it into 3DC within the Voxel Room.
This converts the OBJ into a Voxel & you can do what ever sculpting you want from there.
The newer versions of 3D-Coat now allow you to reduce the mesh when your doing the Export.
In my case this proved to be essential as my CAM program for milling had a limit to what the model size could be.
I'm also now using Sculptris & think of it in a similar way to how I see MoI...
...it's got a simple UI that allows you to just be creative.
And the Sculptris models will import just fine into the 3DC Voxel Room too.
HTH, Colin