3d coat vs zbrush

 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
3601.13 In reply to 3601.1 
Hi BurrMan,

The gear is made in Moi and exported as an .stl file.
3d-Coat fills this mesh up with voxels(3d Pixels).
The axle is a cylinder modeled with 3d-Coat which is considered a primitive shape.

The Rabbit is made with the use of a Wacom bamboo fun tablet(a must)
Then in the retopo room you can apply a mesh on top of the shape.
I personally use this mesh in T-Splines for Rhino,because it is much faster in this
way to model organic shapes.

3d-Coat is a great program,the only minus is the lack of good measuring tools.
It needs a lot of practice with a tablet
Example: importing an 100 mm sphere.stl in Rhino,needs to be scaled down.
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