Need advice joining complex surface

 From:  Michael Gibson
3593.3 In reply to 3593.1 
Hi Anis, definitely what Danny says about getting some alternate file formats is a good bet - in fact if possible ask for the widest variety of formats that they can make, like IGES, STEP, and SAT.

Both STEP and SAT maintain the solid information so they can avoid re-joining issues.

One other thing you can try with join is to scale your objects down in size by 1/10 or 1/100 and then try to join them, that may shrink the gaps between pieces to within the join tolerance.

To quickly scale everything, select it all, then run the Transform/Scale command, type in 0 and push Enter to specify 0,0,0 as the scaling origin, and then type 0.1 (or 0.01 for 1/100) and push enter and your objects will be scaled.

- Michael