WIP Railing

 From:  Michael Gibson
3579.21 In reply to 3579.17 
Hi vinced, with something like that where you are continuously adding more and more things which are all pretty detailed you will need to split your project up into multiple separate files rather than having it all in just one single ginormous file.

It looks like you might have a pretty natural division there with 1 separate file for each floor.

Another thing that would help enormously for reducing memory consumption would be to avoid replicating the railing inside of MoI and instead make the duplicates in your rendering program where they could be defined as instances instead of as duplicated raw geometry.

I do want to work on making an instance mechanism in MoI in the future, but many file formats do not have any mechanism in them to transfer instances (for example OBJ and LWO do not support it) so even at that point it may be best to still do it in your rendering program instead.

> something i`ve never thought about before, but is MOI a 64bit
> application and able to use more than 4GB Ram ? I`m on
> Win 7 64 bit.

MoI is a 32-bit application, so it will top out in practice at something like 3.6GB of RAM usage (if you're on a 64-bit OS, more like 1.6GB on a 32-bit OS). Unfortunately it takes quite a lot of work to produce and maintain multiple versions of a program so at least for some time I am not going to try to make separate 32 and 64 bit versions.

- Michael