sweep help

 From:  Michael Gibson
3575.26 In reply to 3575.25 
Hi Anis,

> So the key is not only engine of the software.
> But also who develop the software use the engine, right ?

Yup, that's definitely true.

MoI is an example of that as well, I re-wrote a large amount (like maybe 60% or so of the total or maybe even more) of the sweep code for MoI's sweep function from the stock one in the geometry library because it had various restrictions that I didn't want to have (stuff like profiles must touch the rail curve, etc...).

But the custom code that I wrote still uses a lot of functions from the geometry library for various low level calculations as well, so the custom code still depends on the library in a lot of ways.

You may find that same kind of situation in other programs as well, where some programs may have developed some functions differently from one another despite having the same base geometry library.

- Michael