V2 is released!

 From:  Red*Star (REDSTAR2ND)
3573.46 In reply to 3573.45 
> But actually you can even use your v1 educational version for
> business purposes - only students or educators can buy the edu
> version but you can use it for whatever work you want including
> commercial work.

Hnhf... Wow... I didn't realize that when I buyed the first version. Normally "educational" means "restricted in use"... that's really great! [*]

> > so those future version could tell from the key(s) if there has
> > been some educational or only normal versions in the history.
> > So maybe I "get stuck" ;) later because my first MoI was only
> > educational? Hopefully not (?).
> I have no plans to penalize you if your original v1 version was
> an edu version.

And this is even greater then...

> But if you are still a student, you can buy the v2 edu upgrade
> version from Studica, it's half off the regular v2 upgrade
> version. There is no restriction on the kind of work that you can
> do with the edu version.

And, combined with [*], still greater! :DD

Finally, thank you very much for the answers. My order has just been placed :).

With kind regards,
