V2 is released!

 From:  Michael Gibson
3573.45 In reply to 3573.44 
Hi Red*Star, I'm glad that you like MoI! :)

> Now [, with more money available,] if I understood it right,
> it seems to be possible to get a full commercial version that
> I could use in business without purchasing a *complete new*
> v2 version for 295 $.

Yes, that's correct - if you have already purchased a v1 edu license, you do not need to purchase the "full" v2 commercial version, you can get the upgrade commercial v2 version instead. The upgrade version will require you to also have a v1 license key and your v1 edu license key will work fine for that.

But actually you can even use your v1 educational version for business purposes - only students or educators can buy the edu version but you can use it for whatever work you want including commercial work.

> If so, will I get any disadvantage in *future* versions (after v2),
> when I purchase a v2 update now (update from v1-EDU to v2)?

Nope, there won't be any disadvantage to doing this (v1 edu to regular v2 upgrade).

> I guess I have to always input the old license keys when installing
> new versions (if there will be any) in the future,

Yes, that's the one thing to keep in mind with upgrade versions, you will need to keep the license key from the previous version because you will need to enter it at install time.

I haven't really worked out yet what will happen with v3 upgrades, but I think that probably you'll only have to enter your license key from the previous version only (any kind of key - upgrade, edu, whatever) and not have to go all the way back to your v1 key at that time.

> so those future version could tell from the key(s) if there has
> been some educational or only normal versions in the history.
> So maybe I "get stuck" ;) later because my first MoI was only
> educational? Hopefully not (?).

I have no plans to penalize you if your original v1 version was an edu version.

> The second thing is: I purchased the educational version via studica.
> Do I have to also purchase the commercial upgrade there or can I
> also buy it from the homepage directly?

You can buy the commercial upgrade version from either place, it will be the same.


But if you are still a student, you can buy the v2 edu upgrade version from Studica, it's half off the regular v2 upgrade version. There is no restriction on the kind of work that you can do with the edu version.

- Michael