GUI Aesthetics Closed  Locked

 From:  olio
3567.54 In reply to 3567.52 
Hi Michael,

Well even if these icons are done by a professional designer, that does not make it good automatically! I guess not every Software engineer can make Moi as nicely as you, even though he is a professional software engineer.

And in general everyone should avoid any prepackaged icon libraries, no real professional designer uses these, these are intended most of the time for the average office worker to make their .docx files more pretty.

About that scalability factor that is very nice, but even if you scale the gui up or down you still have the exactly same problem of layout, elements need to line up.

That being said I agree, 90% of Moi is FANTASTIC, even 99%... I am just one of those picky bastards who screams when I see e.g. the font Comic Sans used anywhere.

I have gotten the impression you are all about the details too michael, a perfectionist, that is why I am voicing my concern over silly graphical errors, that should be easily avoided or fixed. I agree this is not something I would look at and disregard the software for, but I honestly don't see these errors from adobe, I know these are huge corporations with probably tens of GUI designers.

Again this is nitpicking, I saw a list earlier listing out more important things, that put this at number 10. probably where I would put it too, but even at number 10 it should be done right.