GUI Aesthetics Closed  Locked

 From:  Michael Gibson
3567.14 In reply to 3567.1 
Hi Enzo,

> Now, since the V2 is almost ready, are there any plans
> to hire a professional to work on the interface aesthetics?

Well, it's funny you mention that, because I did actually hire a interface professional very early on with MoI to help me design the color scheme (way in the early development before the first beta release).

So that's already been done!

> In my case the look of MOI is the only thing preventing me
> from switching to this modeler.

Wow, really? That seems amazing to me that you would let the color of the UI affect your judgement so much.

I've had very few complaints about the UI, most people find the UI as a whole to actually be the single biggest positive thing about MoI!

But of course tastes vary and there is no way to please all the people all of the time.

Some people seem to like a "dark & depressing" UI more, is that the kind of thing that you would expect?

Possibly in the future I'll be able to do 2 skins, a standard one as it currently has, and a "super professional gloomy gothic" one so that you could switch between them.

But it does add quite a bit of time to maintain 2 parallel UIs, which is why I haven't focused on it so far. It is just such a non-issue for the vast majority of users that it has not been a good thing to invest much time in yet.

All of the stuff that makes up the UI (PNG files, CSS, etc...) is actually accessible under the \ui subfolder under MoI's main installation folder so you can actually go in there and tweak things yourself if you wish. See these previous posts for some info on that:

But frankly, I find it pretty weird that you would completely stay away from using MoI because the color of the UI is not "professional" enough... MoI is generally meant to be a tool that is easier for people with less experience to use. If it offends you that MoI has this focus on ease of use and accessibility to "regular people" then it probably is not going to be the right program for you.

- Michael