Sweep Problem

 From:  armin
3564.10 In reply to 3564.9 
Hi Michael,

Thanks a lot for your quick reply. The script for the snaps that works for me. And I will try to build
the surfaces in smaller segments, makes sense. I'm just not used into building my objects from
nurbs surfaces, so it's a little bit relearning.

I played a little bit more with that file and I've noticed the snaps are really my problem - attached
is a screen shot and the 3dm file. I get a lot of those not really connected points. You don't really
see it until you zoom in very, very close. The spot on the screen shot is marked with a red circle
on the model. And I have those spots all over the place. The distance is very small and I guess in
most cases it doesn't matter. You don't really notice it until you zoom in that close, which in most
cases I don't do. I assume the best way avoiding those "gaps" is probably making heavy use of
turning certain snaps on or off?

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