Problem scripting a 'trim' operation

 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
3541.34 In reply to 3541.33 

> Try something like geometryDatabase.getObjects().unlockSelection(); although
> that will only remove it from top-level objects, you may need to do something
> like put all objects and all their sub-objects also into a object list and then
> call .unlockSelection() on that big object list.

OK, that seemed to do the trick! What I've done for now is to put that code in my script execution framework so that it gets called after every script executes. I did this since it seemed like it might be potentially kind of expensive to do after every trim operation (within a script), especially if it needs to be done on the complete object graph closure. Right now I'm only doing it on the top-level objects at the end of the script. At least now, if I still see weird behavior in the future, I'll know where to look. So thanks for the explanation!

> These various things you're running into are basically side effects from things
> being primarily set up and tested for use with the regular interactive commands.

Sure, understandably so. Another question is though, do you think you might be willing to target the clean-up of some or all of these script-level behavioral issues as a V3 work item? It may not be necessary, since so far the problems I've run into mostly all have viable work-arounds, but it would obviously help simplify a script writers life to remove some of the bumps in the road. Just something to think about.

Thanks again for all your help...

- Dave Morrill