Problem scripting a 'trim' operation

 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
3541.32 In reply to 3541.30 

> Hi Dave, I see what you mean.

Great, at least you're aware of, and tracking, the issue now. For now, calling 'cancel' is not a problem, since it is hidden within my procedural framework. But obviously it would be good if at some future point you could fix the issue.

As I said before, there also appears to be a somewhat more annoying related issue, presumably with the trim factory, whereby the MoI UI ends up in some kind of picking mode at the end of a script.

In the script I'm working on now, I do many trim operations, all of which seem to execute correctly and produce correct results. But at the end of the script, the MoI UI is in this weird picking mode. The only geometry that can be selected or deselected are visible trim points. If I hit 'esc' then the UI resumes normal operation. No combination of adding calls to disableUpdate, disableUIGeometry, reset or cancel to the trim factory code seem to fix the problem.

I've modified (as a test) the script to not add any of the trim points it creates to the geometry database. So at the end of the script, all I see is the original geometry (since the trim points are the only things that the script is creating). I am still in the weird picking mode, but now there is nothing that can be selected or unselected, since none of the trim points I created were added to the geometry database. However, 'esc' still allows MoI to resume normal operation.

This obviously is a more serious problem, since as of now there is no work-around (other than telling the user to press 'esc' after the script finishes :-) ).

Also, I've noticed that some factories alter the selection setting of other, unrelated geometry. Can you confirm this? I noticed it when I originally wrote my script to set selection 'on' for various created objects as the script iterated its way along. At the end of the script, only the last set of selected objects were still selected; the rest had become deselected (presumably by some factories that had run after they were created and selected). When I modified the script to select all of the objects at the end, then it all worked OK. This is not necessarily a bug, but perhaps a script design consideration, so it would be good to know if that is the expected behavior...

- Dave Morrill