projecting splines

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3530.17 In reply to 3530.15 
The final product looks great rodney! I'm happy that you stuck with it.

The forum is a great resource, I've been here a while and I haven't seen one question or problem go unanswered, not only Michael, having the fastest draw in the west in answering questions there is a vast range of users with different fields of expertise, we have jewelers, engineers, tradesmen, artists, CGI experts, Industrial designers, architects and maybe the occasional extraterrestrial :) ranging from ages 4 to late 70's and I haven't heard of a software company that suggests to use other software to solve a particular problem until I joined MoI.

So we're all here to help because we all have one interest in common and that is modeling and MoI and I think we love the challenge of solving problems.
