MOI3D to Octane Render Tutorial

 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
3472.58 In reply to 3472.57 
In defense of Radiance, he is under tremendous pressure to give everyone their "pet" feature whether its MLT, animation support, multi-GPU, normal smoothing etc. He's working 16 hour days programming, trying to implement as many features as possible for the widest audience. He is stressed, there is no doubt. But he is also blazing a trail where few have gone (GPU based, extremely parallel programed ray tracers.) Octane Render offers many great, unique features and I am confident that Octane Render will still be a strong choice for MOI users in the future. It just may not be high on the priority list to resolve this smoothing issue, currently.

I'm sorry for the way that Paq was treated as he is indeed a great artist and I've always enjoyed his contributions to the community. I also thank all the users who posted examples and files for us to try to resolve any issues and for Michael's contributions.


Phil Beauchamp