WIP - "Aurora" Cruiser

 From:  d^^b (DAVID)

This ship is almost finished. Only left the masts and the flags, and some rigs. I have some screenshots from this project because I wanted to make a small tutorial, and also I have been doing a step by step in the foro3d, the biggest forum for spanish language users, for spread MoI3D :)

First, I draw the curves of the profile, and then I add a curve from the bow and the stern, both of them perpendicular to the others one, and sharing the final point with the next curve from the profile. (Image 2)

Also, in this case, I have made extra curves in the back area, close to the stern, for help to the transition between the stern area to the rest of the hull. These are only curves duplicated very close to the original curves(Image 1. Red mark)
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