drawing arcs

 From:  Michael Gibson
3437.10 In reply to 3437.8 
Hi tomot,

> I was expecting an "intuitive arc command" to recognize the
> 2 yellow sets of co-ordinate points, so the arc command would
> use that data to draw the arc in the correct plane.

The arc command is expecting to use a plane to orient itself, not just a couple of line segments.

In v2 you can either draw a plane snapped on to those line segments and draw on that plane, or set a cplane there and then draw the arc.

> How does the Cplane deal with this attached pic?

It's not quite clear to me what you've got there in the model - do you have some actual planar surfaces there making the tetrahedron? If so then in v2 you can just draw the arc on those planes without even setting the construction plane.

It would help if you could post the 3DM model file with your stuff in it instead of only a screenshot, that will then let you show you with your specific example rather than trying to figure it out and reconstruct it (and possibly misunderstanding exactly what you have).

> So the bottom line is: I need v2?

Well, yeah - if you want to use the new stuff that has been added for v2 then you need v2.

Once v2 is released then there will be a trial version out for it.

> This beta should be available for input from users, like me, that
> remember AutoCad v2.5 which came on
> 5 X 5 1/4 inch floppies, and the agony of trying to draw in 3d :)

Well, it is available to users like you! :) Just purchase v1 and use your v1 license key to get access to the v2 beta. The v2 beta is available to all v1 customers.

- Michael