Fun Project "Electric Guitar" finished!

 From:  Michael Gibson
3429.17 In reply to 3429.15 
Hi omac12,

I made three planar surfaces. One I made with the polygon tool and the other two were freeform closed blobs. I exported as ai, and even though I had several programs that could pull it up so they 'looked' right I noticed that the only surface that could be filled was the one made with the polygon tool. The others looked right, but could not be filled.

Could you please post the 3DM model file with the 3 blobs in it so I can take a look?

I guess my question would be why are you making planar surfaces instead of just exporting the curves directly?

Maybe you are also running into a duplicated curves issue - if you have drawn a planar curve, then built a planar surface from it, and then do an export of both the original planar curve as well as the planar surface it will result in both the original curve as well as the edges of the planar surface being written to the AI file. So you'll actually have 2 curves in that place stacked exactly on top of each other.

If you want to export 2D curves, I'd recommend just creating curves only and not building planar surfaces from them at all.

- Michael