Hi Michael,
Thanks for the reply. I guess you're right that I should just use what I have to get the job done. I just wondered if I'd missed a function or something. And of course after working in MOI's lovely smoothness, going back into Rhino is just so clunky :-). Using Sub-d's is ok in certain circumstances but it's never ideal as you can't trust the dimensions of radii to be perfect or the circularity of circles like the indent here to be perfect. Sub-d's always distort the mesh a little, that's why I'm venturing into the nurbs universe in the first place.
I did have an idea while lying awake mulling this over last night: Assuming I've created a sharp loft between the existing curves, I could offset a nice rebuilt curve into the shoulder by 1mm, then offset same curve down the 'slope' surface by 1mm, tweaking the ends where the get closer to a point near the neck. Then I could trim away the surface between the new curves and blend a nice fillet between them. That may just work. I will give it a go tomorrow...
D3, Yes, that looks exactly like what I want. I will examine your model and try and work out how you did it. (any hints?). Thanks.