How to do this blend?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3425.24 In reply to 3425.15 
Hi Roger,

> My problem with this model was that it couldn't be done
> using booleans. Because of the smooth transition from the
> curved neck into the flat indentation it had to be made
> from blended surfaces.

Yeah in this case it would be hard to do a boolean since the indented part is so smooth with the neck, it's not a distinct enough part.

But that basically puts it into a more difficult/finicky/advanced type area of surface modeling with continuity...

That's just not really a fully implemented area in MoI yet, there's some beginnings of it but I think in v3 it should make some good progress.

One reason why I have not focused on that area so far is that I kind of expect that style of modeling to be done with a sub-d type tool instead of MoI - I've kind of put more focus on the solid modeling tools early on since those tend to be easier to use, quicker to learn, and also actually leverage more of the strengths of NURBS modeling and are more in contrast to things like sub-d tools.

> Back in the olden days, (maybe 15 yrs ago now) there used
> to be a modeller that used a kind of 3d version of bezier
> splines like illustrator.

I have a vague memory of something I think was called Pixel3D, could that be it?

- Michael