Draft or rotate surface

 From:  Michael Gibson
3413.7 In reply to 3413.6 
Hi d3,

> (Reason why asked these "stupid" things is that I have
> used MCAD`s since 1997 and lot of things are burned in my
> back of the head.

Well, your question was not at all bad, I'm sorry I gave that impression.

I just wanted to try and clarify a bit about what MoI is oriented towards, and to try and keep expectations a bit in check! :)

Sometimes people expect that MoI should just be a kind of complete drop-in replacement for a high-priced MCAD program, and I can understand that it would be cool to have all the high-priced functions at a low price instead, but I want to make sure that people are realistic about it.

In fact, the direct modeling type functionality that you were mentioning would definitely be quite helpful to have in MoI! I do hope to be able to add it at least for basic situations in the future.

Spaceclaim and MoI can complement each other in many ways, you can do things like quick shape drawing and some freeform surfacing in MoI, and do direct-manipulation editing and better filleting in Spaceclaim. I think that they have enabled 3DM support through the clipboard with Spaceclaim as well, so I believe you can do Copy and Paste between MoI to Spaceclaim with the latest version of Spaceclaim...

- Michael