Hi d3, also one thing to keep in mind is that I have a lot less resources available to me than Siemens for example who make Synchronous Technology 2 that you were referring to.
They're a really big corporation and I'm just one guy working on MoI.... So you may need to adjust your expectations.
The focus in MoI is more on the UI and fluid workflow for being able to draw things quickly and being more approachable to people who come from various non-technical backgrounds. It's not so much on trying to be "feature equivalent" or a complete replacement for complex MCAD programs.
As time goes on though I do expect for MoI to get more features though, certainly...
But if for example you are expecting MoI to have all the same functions as Synchronous Technology 2, then you are going to definitely be disappointed and MoI is not the right fit for you if that's what you are looking for, I just want to make sure that is clear.
- Michael