Hi d3,
> My opinion is that is the most powerfull tool when you
> create and edit solid parts.
Yes, it's definitely useful - moreso for the editing part though and not quite as much for the creation.
For creation, it's nice if you can just create what you actually need more right off the bat (kind of by drawing it more directly) instead of trying to create something else first and then mutate it into some other shape.
I do want to add some direct editing type functionality into MoI in the future, but it is not a particularly easy area to make work well so it may be a while.
It also tends to be an area that is more limited in the kinds of shapes it deals with - most direct editing functionality is more oriented around editing prismatic parts, like things made up of extrusions or planes and not really able to deal with freeform surfaces.
If you do like that kind of workflow, probably SpaceClaim would be a better match for you than MoI since it is very oriented around those methods.
- Michael