curve edit points

 From:  Michael Gibson
3398.4 In reply to 3398.3 
Hi Luis, just a quick comment on one part:

3. Curves from isoparms would be even better!!! :) sometimes when looking at wireframes, i kind see the value of
attaching things and/or snapping to isoparms, even reconstructing parts of the surface using some of them or creating
new surfaces through particular example right now though, but i might come back to you later with it. :)

Yeah using it for reconstruction or constructing other kinds of objects like some tubes or something could be useful.

But I'm not sure if snapping on to isoparms would really give you very much - in MoI version 2 you can just snap to any point you want on a surface, with the new "on srf" object snap.

Here's an example:

Snapping on to only a few isoparms would kind of be a more restricted number of spots on the surface than you can do with just the "on srf" one...

- Michael