cannot open directly MOI files

 From:  BurrMan
3393.7 In reply to 3393.6 
>>>>Well, I'm working on updating the documentation, that's the only part that I have left to finish before being able to do the final release...>>>>>>>

Well, let's see....

A crown of clubs that is organized with named objects, very colorful with surface reporting qualities, has been rebuilt, Has had insecting appied at various points, is providing realtime object properties feedback, with a sillouette applied, and has been dynamically tolerated, and locked from further modifications, and placed and oriented precisley, and scaled and rotated "on the fly", with gem like objects flowing all over it, and some bounds data reflected with actual geometry, with a pinpointed bounds center, and designed with conic quality (Using an RHO value of course), utilizing a mitered base, drawn by specific curve length, Incrementally saved after aligning a bitmap image and scaling it perfectly in the viewport....................

I think I have you covered brother! No worries :o